As well as looking stunning, this beautifully created members pack for Bicester Heritage hides a little secret… the black board is actually made from recycled coffee cups.

The polyethylene lining that stops the cup getting soggy makes recycling difficult and takes a special process to separate the plastic from the paper. Through a collaboration between G F Smith the paper company and ‘CupCycling’, they manage to take 95% of the coffee cup and convert it to paper fibre with the remaining 5% of plastic waste being used as energy for the produsction of the recycled paper. So every B1 sheet of this paper contains at least five used coffee cups, saving them sitting it landfill!

The UK currently recycles one in 25 of the single use coffee cups it uses but with people bringing their own reusable cups to the local coffee shops hopefully it won’t be long until there won’t be enough coffee cups to recycle but until that point this ingenious paper and board offers a great solution for keeping the old coffee cups out of landfill!

The Pack includes postcards and an information pack all printed on Arena Rough Natural, an FSC® Mix paper and some car window stickers printed on our SwissQ flatbed printer onto a clear bubble free vinyl. The inside flap has a perfectly shaped cutout to firmly hold the members badge.